Today is a day for gratefulness, and I have a confession to make. I already acted like a jackass this morning. You see, my husband was supposed to work today, and I had all these plans to catch up on television shows, sit in front of the television with a cup of coffee and a pop tart (yes, they’re gross, but I love them!) and have a quiet morning. Then, just as I was pouring my coffee, I heard the garage door open.
Surprise! Guess who didn’t have to work after all. Instead of being grateful, I was mad and disappointed. I finally apologized, but I’m not sure he’s completely forgiven me yet. Like I said . . . I was a jackass.
Anyway, my point is that we have so much to be grateful for, even in these hard, unprecedented times. I know the holiday looks different for many people this year, but I want you to know how much appreciation I feel for you. This year has tested us in ways we never imagined, and I am sure it will continue to test us. I am under no illusion that January 1, 2021, will magically change our situations, but it’s nice to look ahead and plan for a better future.
Don’t you think?
This year, we’re not going to my parents and instead are staying home, and I’m not too upset about it at all. Another confession? Thanksgiving isn’t really my favorite holiday, but it is my mom’s, and us not being at her house this year is upsetting for her even if she’s being gracious and accepting.
There has been only one other time when we didn’t go to her house for Thanksgiving and it was in 2010 when we went to New York for the Macy’s Day Parade. That Thanksgiving was amazing because it was an adventure and, yes even in the middle of Columbus Circle, a relaxing time. You see, I like traditions, but only for so long. After a while I need a break, and as I’m writing this, I’m thinking maybe I need a break from tradition every 10 years.
On Thanksgiving Day 2010, we rode a packed subway to Columbus Circle and watched the Macy’s Parade. We ate peanuts from a vendor in Central Park and visited The Plaza. We also rode to the top the Empire State Building and ate a non-traditional Thanksgiving dinner at a hole-in-the-wall pub. I posted some photos from that day below if you want to take a trip down memory lane with me.
Tell me. What’s your favorite Thanksgiving memory? Or, if you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, what’s another favorite holiday memory?
I truly hope you have a wonderful day no matter what you’re doing.
My girls 10 years ago!
SpongeBob SquarePants Balloon
Central Park
Views from Central Park
Top of the Empire State Building. This was torture for my husband who HATES heights!
My husband’s non-traditional Thanksgiving meal.
Young and tired!