Not every author will tell you how much you, the reader, are part of their writing journey. But you are!
Without you, my amazing readers, I wouldn’t have fulfilled my lifelong dream of being a published novelist. Sure, I could write a novel and self publish it, but if no one is reading or sharing, what’s the point? It’s kind of like the saying: If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
If no one is reading a writer’s work, does it really matter? 🤔
Obligatory photo of a tree in the forest.
Not every author will tell you how much it means when you recommend their books, share an email, or engage on social media. But it does!
No matter how a reader chooses to support a writer, trust me, it’s appreciated more than you know.
Not every author will admit that they’re scared out of their minds each time they write something knew. But it’s true!
I am terrified each time I release a new story into the world. Will you like the story? Will it keep you engaged? Did I do the characters justice? Are there major plot holes I missed or fell right into without realizing it? Making peace with my books in the world is a struggle, but I love storytelling so much that I swallow the fear and write, again and again, because I must. It’s my soul’s calling.
October 27, 2013 is the anniversary of when I became a published novelist. It is the day I released The Waiting Room. Since that day, I have been on this incredible journey that wouldn’t be what it is without you. Through the ups and downs and the long waits in between books, I thank you for your support. Here’s to another seven years of storytelling! I hope you’ll continue on the journey with me. 💕