My Dearest and Bravest Warrior Friend,
Today you texted me. Today you told me that one time you thought your life was over, but now you realize it’s just beginning. I didn’t answer your message because I needed time to think about how I wanted to respond. I’m always good for a random, cheesy line that is just barely passable for a Hallmark card, but I wanted to give you more than Care Bear power (although Care Bear power is pretty good!). I needed to find the right words to raise you up. To give you the continued strength and energy that I know your mind, body, and soul yearn for at this moment. So, what do I do? I guess I write an open letter of love and friendship to you that I hope will guide you forward.
“These mountains that you are carrying, you were only supposed to climb.”-Najwa Zebian
I know you like this quote. Goodness. Isn’t this true? How many times have we continued to fight and climb and carry burdens? It’s human nature. I think. To continue to carry on even when we know the effort isn’t healing. To weigh ourselves down with unrealistic expectations because we are so scared to fail, and to expose our raw flesh to others, but mainly to ourselves. We want to look in the mirror and see perfection staring back at us. Instead, all we see is all we’ve lost and how tired it’s made us. We have to be kinder to ourselves, my friend. Do you agree?
I know your text was positive, but I also know you’re scared. There are so many obstacles that can’t be seen right now. I also know that you feel freer than you ever have in your life. I’m certain that freedom you feel in this moment will carry you gently over those obstacles and deliver you safely to the next leg of your journey. I’m not walking your same journey, dearest and bravest warrior friend, yet I feel we are traveling companions. Because we all embark on expeditions that are scary, yet thrilling – tossing teasers our way that give a glimpse of new possibilities and opportunities that are waiting for us just around the corner.
Have I told you how proud I am of you?
You may feel defeated right now, but, can I share a secret? I think you won. A lifetime is molded from the good and the bad: illnesses that leave us weak, relationships that unravel, opportunities that are missed, and words that are spoken too late. But these aren’t losses. They are just moments to learn from and to grow. They are moments that feed our souls and push us to grow toward the light. That light is love, and it’s beautiful.
My dearest and bravest friend, I’ve thought of you much lately and want you to know that you have a warrior spirit. You have light within you that shines outwardly. You’ve got this and you’re going to warrior on with the best of the best. Take each moment for what it is. Moments will eventually turn into hours that will turn into days then into years. Soon you’ll look back and see how far you’ve come. Those mountains you put down and scrambled over will no longer be dwarfed by disappointments. Instead, they will stand triumphantly at your back, applauding your valiant efforts. You won’t feel exhausted, tired, or weak-limbed. You’ll feel a deep satisfaction that even though you thought you failed, even though sometimes the wind wasn’t always at your back, that you persevered and you have a life that is rich and worth honoring.
Your Warrior Sister
Your words touched my heart and revived my spirit. Thank you for your empathetic validation and words of encouragement which nurtured my hope, Warrior Sister
Us warrior sisters must stick together. I love hearing from you and hope you’re well!
I love reading your work. I am so excited that you are following your passion. You are a brave & creative woman, Piper.
Aw, thank you! Namaste, Sharai <3