When you pick up a book, do you immediately go to the first page of the prose, or do you read the front material? Specifically, do you read any notes to the reader?
Before I started publishing my books, I didn’t pay attention to front material like notes to readers, and I only read back material such as acknowledgments sporadically. Instead, I dove right into the story. What could any of the front material offer?
Actually, as a writer, I’ve come to learn that notes to readers are quite valuable. Now, not every book has reader notes included in its front material, but those that do are there for a reason.
The reason I bring this up is that I’m in the process of publishing The Murder Lawyer, the Complete Serial Novel, and unpublishing the individual stories that I originally posted on my website and everywhere ebooks are sold. The complete novel will include a Note to Reader because I want to explain the unique nature of this story and why it’s written as it is. My fear is that readers won’t read this section and maybe feel confused about how the story progresses.
From the beginning, I always knew the novelettes, or episodes as I liked to call them, would be put together in novel form. With the continuous story arc of Luna’s rise to local fame and how her sudden success affects her family, I believe the stories weave together seamlessly. Nonetheless, I want new readers to understand how The Murder Lawyer came to be, and that’s why I’m writing a Note to Reader.
So, again back to my question.
Do you read the Note to Reader?
This writer wants to know. This writer also encourages you to do so for any book where this front material is offered because you might miss out on something fantastic that will make your reading experience more enjoyable.
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