My stories don’t start at the computer. That is where the writing is done, but it’s not where the story starts. My stories often start with a question because I am a questioner. I’ve never really outgrown the desire to ask questions and seek answers. I’m still that two-year-old who drives everyone around her crazy because I won’t stop saying, “But why?”
But when I ask questions the answers don’t always come right away. I need time and space for the answers to reveal themselves to me; to hear my characters speak their truths. It’s why I’m not always the fastest writer.
If you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen me post this photo.
I explained that out on a trail is where I have the freedom to think and uncover my characters’ secrets. The wide-open space, the narrow trails, and the solitude allow me space to breathe and feel. I often need about five miles to let my body detox and get rid of all the negative energy that stifles my creativity. It’s enough time for the characters to feel comfortable speaking to me. Sometimes they have a lot to say. Other times they’re quiet, but in that quiet space, I find inspiration too.
The day I was on the trail in the photo, my characters wanted to talk to me. They started speaking to me about 3 miles into this hike because they knew I needed more time to hear them that day. Once they started talking to me, they didn’t stop, and that always excites me.
Over the last few months, I’ve made a lot of progress with The Murder Lawyer series, my children’s journal, and a new standalone novel publishing in late 2021. Some of the progress is public, but most of it is behind the scenes. Still, as much progress as I’ve made and how receptive I’ve been to hear my characters speak to me, I’ve also felt stifled, held back, and I’m unsure why.
Later this week, I’m headed back out on the trail to shake off whatever weird energy is messing with my creativity and soak up the good vibes of Red Rock Country. My oldest daughter and I are headed to Sedona, AZ to hike, and I can’t wait to hear what my characters have to say to me on the trails.
These boots and bag are ready for some AZ warmth and sunshine.
I drove around Sedona once in 2015 on my way from Flagstaff down to Phoenix. I remember seeing the red rocks in the distance, but, at that time, I didn’t know about Sedona’s energy; its magic. Nature didn’t speak to me then the way it does now.
Does nature speak to you? Where do you go when you need answers to your questions? I’d love to hear from you.
I hope you have a wonderful week and hear the answers to the questions you ask.